Attacking marriage from Left and Right
The "red pill" is a false doctrine that encourages total surrender. The answer is not retreat. The answer is faith in God's goodness.
Statistical data shows us that marriage is good. Children are statistically much safer from abuse in a home with their married biological mother and father. Married women are safer and more economically secure. Marriage benefits men too, as married men are statistically healthier, wealthier and happier than their single counterparts.
I recently came across a few articles about a college professor warning that marriage is "racist" and "sexist," promoted breathlessly by conservative media to warn us about "those evil libruls." I am not going to link to them. This is not because the arguments are not worth dissecting, but because (at least among conservative Christians) there is a much more dangerous part of the anti-marriage horseshoe than the feminists.
Have you heard about the horseshoe theory? The idea is that as one moves farther to the Left or Right, they actually do not move farther apart but actually converge like the ends of a horseshoe. This is not true on all issues, but there is a convergence between the anti-marriage Left and the anti-feminist "red pilled" Right. The anti-feminist "red pill" has caused people to see that women have been ruined by feminism and the legal system has been corrupted to take away men's rights – especially in divorce court.
The common ground is bitterness. Bitter feminists and bitter "red pilled" men reject the institution of marriage – a creation ordinance given to us by God before the Fall. But while the feminist attack on marriage is not a threat to conservative churches, the anti-feminist "red pill" can find an audience that is predisposed to listen to them because they already stand against modern sexual anarchy. Christians should not be fooled, and churches should warn the sheep against the false shepherds of the "red pill."
♣ - MGTOW and God's sexual order
♣ - Revisiting the MGTOW movement
♣ - MGTOW, burning and bitterness
♣ - MGTOW and the growth of the Christian church
♣ - Are "Red Pill" and "Woke" the same thing?