No corporate welfare for the merchants of death
I object to literally being forced at gunpoint to fund an organization that pays for killing innocent human beings.
Tonight, the Monroe County Council votes to fund Planned Parenthood. Truly local charities are denied funding every year by the city and county councils because the Democrats that dominate both bodies would rather make a political endorsement than allocate finances in a way that most benefits the people of Monroe County. It is shameful. This is a letter I sent to the County Council last week.
Next week, you will be voting to fund both Planned Parenthood and All Options. Please vote against funding for both organizations.
"All Options" has gotten $15,000 from city government to facilitate out of state travel for women seeking abortions, and they have long had a fund to pay for abortions. Providing diapers is important, and I have personally delivered a large number of diapers to charities that have been collected at the Rally for Life over the years. But as a pro-life taxpayer, I object to literally being forced at gunpoint to fund an organization that pays for killing innocent human beings at their most vulnerable stage of life.
No, that is not hyperbole. If I do not pay my property taxes, law enforcement will evict me from my home, by force if necessary. County government will confiscate my property and sell it. You are using guns to force people to fund two organizations that thousands of taxpayers find morally abhorrent.
Planned Parenthood's clinic a few blocks south of the courthouse no longer performs abortions, but has terminated thousands of innocent human lives over the years. At a time when surgical abortions were declining in the state of Indiana, abortions in Bloomington were skyrocketing, from 718 abortions in 2014 to 1065 abortions in 2017. Planned Parenthood remains the nation's #1 abortion provider. As a taxpayer, I object to you forcing me to subsidize an organization I find morally abominable.
There is no financial need for either All Options or Planned Parenthood to get part of the scarce financial resources available from county government. All Options reported $1,789,828 in revenue against $1,522,009 in expenses. The local Planned Parenthood is part of a huge corporation that boasts over two billion dollars of annual revenue in its most recent fiscal report. If we are going to have a social services fund, the grants should go to truly local charities, not to subsidize the operating budgets of wealthy corporations.
The issue is not whether you personally support these charities. The question is whether you are pro-choice or anti-choice. Forcing taxpayers to subsidize these two organizations proves that those of you who claim to be "pro-choice" are lying to the people of this county.