No political leader can tear your family apart
It is very important to have a sense of proportion about politics, and not allow political views to destroy what really matters.
Last week, I wrote about how neighborhoods and communities should not be overly divided over the race for President. A few weeks ago, the New York Times wrote about another division, but one that is much more tragic: Families dividing over the Presidential race.
Let's be clear here: While the Times places the blame squarely on President Donald Trump, he did not tear anything apart. He did not force or demand either the father or his children become estranged from each other over the 2020 election. There is no evidence that Trump knows any of them exist. The family tore itself apart when certain members decided that politics and elections are more important than their closest family members.
People make their own choices. People on both sides decide to get radicalized or become extremely emotionally invested in elections. People on both sides cut off those they disagree with, even in their own family. People on both sides are unable to disagree or even be presented with verified facts (such as official election results) without becoming angry and lashing out.
So here is what we all need to do: Calm down and get a sense of proportion. Politics should not be your whole life. Yes, what happens in Washington, in the state capital, and in city hall is important. But you can disagree and still be family. In ten years, the result of this election will be far less important than the family bonds that are strained or even broken by heated political disagreements.
Step away and take a breather if your political views are splitting your family. Go to church. Go outside and touch grass. Go to church. Walk the dog. Go to church. Have a picnic. Go to church. Play a game. Go to church. Watch a funny dog video. GO TO CHURCH. You will notice which suggestion has been repeated multiple times, because that is the most effective thing you can do to ground yourself and gain a sense of proportion. Stop making politics into your god, and the best way to do that is to go to church and worship the only true God.