There is no Biblical endorsement of singleness
Married people are happier, healthier and wealthier than their single counterparts. Why would we not want to encourage that?
If you were to make a Venn Diagram of people with the gift of chastity and all single people, the first group would be a very small circle inside of a much larger circle. The Apostle Paul knew this, which is why he told the church at Corinth in I Corinthians 7:1-9 that it is far better to be married than to burn.
Despite what New York Times columnist David French claims, that passage does not represent a clear Biblical endorsement of singleness. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. Scripture does indeed say that chastity is a gift, but nowhere in the Old or New Testaments is singleness itself described as a gift. Ask bitter "incel" men venting their spleen on forums if being single is a gift, or if it is a curse.
There are people with the gift of chastity. Those people can fully devote themselves to the Kingdom of God without the responsibility of a wife and children. The Apostle Paul was one such man. In a society fully saturated with sexual immorality and pornography, the gift of chastity would also be a way to avoid sexual sin. But that gift is very rare. Allow me to repeat myself: That gift is very rare.
When Christians speak of the "gift of singleness" and ministering to singles without understanding the rarity of the gift of chastity and the temptations to sexual immorality without a legitimate outlet, they are engaged in hateful behavior. Pretending that I Corinthians 7:1-9 is an endorsement of singleness abandons these people and their spiritual needs. It is also rank heresy.
In fact, it is assumed throughout the New Testament that Christians will be married and have children. That is the point of that passage, as well as the qualification that elders and deacons should be "the husband of one wife" in a culture where polygamy was still practiced. The Lord Jesus Christ reminded the Pharisees in His rebuke of divorce that marriage as a creation ordinance was the union of one man and one woman, as the two shall become one flesh.
We live in a time where marriage in in steep decline, under attack from both Right and Left despite the fact that there are many societal, cultural and economic benefits to marriage for both sexes. We do not need any more praise of singleness. We need to teach that marriage is good, and the Church needs to be the most aggressive in teaching that truth.