40 years of slaughter - an anniversary of shame
Forty years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that women had a "constitutional right" to have their unborn children murdered via abortion. Since that decision, over 54 million unborn children have been murdered in the womb under the protection of the U.S. government. After 40 years of this darkness, will God finally show mercy on us and free us from this continued bloodshed?
The number 40 is significant in Scripture. Of course, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience. The giant Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days, and the prophet Jonah warned the city of Ninevah that God would destroy the city in 40 days, then relented when the king and the people repented. After forty years of this wickedness, will God send His Spirit into our hearts to make us repent of this great and terrible evil?
We have about 1.2 million children murdered by abortion every year in this nation - an average of 3,287 babies killed each and every day. There were 12,664 murders of born persons in 2011, according to FBI statistics. In response to the fact that 323 of those murders were committed with rifles, the nation is consumed with the need to "do something" about gun violence, especially with so-called "assault weapons." But we protect the right to kill 3,287 babies every day as a "constitutional right."
We strain at a gnat while we swallow a camel whole.
In the face if this unprecedented slaughter, we hear from the Republican establishment that we do not want to discuss "divisive social issues" because we need to focus on jobs and the economy. But even with the pain that our economic morass has caused, how can it compare to millions of murder victims who we have decided we will not protect from those who would do them harm? Has it occurred to anyone that the inevitable financial collapse that our deficit spending will bring could be a judgment from God for our wicked slaughter of unborn babies created in His image?
Abortion is not just the most important of the ten most pressing issues we face - it is #1 through #9 with #10 lagging miles behind. It is time for our nation - starting with President Obama - to repent and plead for mercy from Almighty God, and hope He spares us from the judgment that we deserve.