A clarification, an announcement and an anniversary
In my letter to the editor on Sunday, I said that a good standard for when government should intervene is that "government should prohibit harm." Allow me to clarify that point: What I meant was government should prohibit harm to others. For example, it should be illegal for someone to steal or destroy someone else's property. Government should not be in the business of making sure we do not harm ourselves though nanny state legislation.
I would have posted this in the comments but Herald-Times editor Bob Zaltsberg is a liar and a hypocrite.
In addition, I am on the ballot in contested races for Precinct Committeeman and Delegate to State convention. The campaign Web site is up: www.VoteForTibbs.org.
Finally, tomorrow will be 15 years since I was diagnosed with cancer. I knew what was going on for a couple weeks before I had the surgery, but the surgery and biopsy confirmed it. I wrote about my experience with cancer in a guest editorial for the Herald-Times as I approached the ten year anniversary of the surgery.