A propaganda video designed to destabilize
Communist propaganda seeks to destabilize the country by destabilizing the family. Without strong families, a the country will not be prosperous and free.
A propaganda video trending on TikTok warns women to stay away from marriage, because it will lead to a life of domestic slavery. A woman starts to accept an engagement ring, only to see her future cleaning the house and caring for a baby. Horror of horrors! Paul Joseph Watson has an interesting analysis of the propaganda on his channel. Is this a psyop from the Chinese Communist Party?
One thing that is amusing is how this represents horseshoe theory: The far Left and far Right are actually much closer to each other than either wants to admit. In this case, both the anti-family anti-natalist Left and the "trad cons" on the right have both embraced traditional gender roles. The propaganda video shows marriage as domestic slavery for women. Meanwhile, a "trad con" on Twitter said "If a man is ever changing diapers, there is something seriously wrong with the relationship or with the order of the home."
Of course, what the (Chinese Communist Party?) propaganda video ignores is this important fact: You still have to do the laundry and wash the dishes if you are not married. You will either do it by yourself or alongside a long string of one night stands that leaves you lonely and empty. And where is the dad in this propaganda video? The dad does not help at all? Because in many cases, that is nowhere close to true.
Whether the CCP produced the video or not, anti-natalist propaganda seeks to destabilize the country by destabilizing the family. Without strong families, a the country will not be prosperous and free. Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov explained forty years ago that Communists sought to demoralize our population through propaganda. There is a reason the Chinese version of TikTok does not promote this kind of content: "If you're under 14 years old, they show you science experiments you can do at home, museum exhibits, patriotism videos and educational videos."
It is a statistical reality that married people are happier, healthier and wealthier than their single counterparts. This is especially true for men, despite with the "Red Pill" and MGTOW movements would have you believe. Yes, there are exceptions, but limited exceptions do not invalidate a general truth. Do not fall for Communist propaganda. The true revolutionaries today are Christians who are getting married and having children. These were also the revolutionaries in the pagan Roman Empire, which is why they were massacred. Reject the dominant culture and Communist propaganda, and join the counterculture instead.