A total disavowal of Donald Trump?
Life is messy, and so is politics. You cannot view Trump in black-and-white terms.
Originally posted on my Facebook page:
If you actually are an ideological conservative, you have to admit that we got good policy from 2017 through 2020. No, it was not perfect, and some of it was bad, but a lot of it was good. This is why a total disavowal of Donald Trump - no matter what you think of his personal character - would be wrong.
This is what the folks at The Bulwark simply do not get. It actually is possible to dislike Trump as a person while also liking the policies of the Trump Administration. The Bulwark wants to make this black and white, and it is not nearly that simple. And this is why a wide swath of conservatives will never take The Bulwark seriously.
A more balanced view - opposing Trump as a person while supporting Trump policies like deregulation and tax cuts - would greatly increase The Bulwark's influence among conservatives.