An evil rebellion ended, but a battle begins
We should seek to protect all innocent human life, and not just in Red States. Now we can finally do that.
It was nearly fifty years ago that the Supreme Court rebelled against the United States Constitution and created a "right" to kill babies in the womb. That ruling was finally reversed, thanks to three justices appointed by President Donald Trump. Of course, Mike Pence deserves a great deal of credit for shoring up the socially conservative base and pulling Trump to the Right. Trump had proposed nominating his pro-abortion sister to the Supreme Court. You can see Pence's fingerprints on this decision: Without Pence, Roe would still stand.
While it is fashionable on the Right to trash Mitch McConnell, his role should be recognized too. If not for McConnell's courage in 2016, Merrick Garland would be on the Supreme Court and Roe v. Wade would still stand. Countless babies will live because of what McConnell did six years ago.
It strikes me that four of the five justices who voted to overrule Roe v. Wade are Roman Catholics. As a Protestant, I have theological disagreements with the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, but I nonetheless recognize that we owe the RCC a tremendous debt of gratitude for its consistent and unwavering dedication to protecting innocent human life from fertilization to natural death. Protestants have been weak at best in opposing abortion, but Roman Catholics have been the ones on the front lines protecting the unborn.
The end of Roe v. Wade was met with elation among Christians, but some of the reaction is less than helpful. Celebrating Dobbs v Jackson is obviously called for, but we have seen too much trolling and taunting in response. The reason Dobbs is to be celebrated is it removed an obstacle to saving millions of lives, not because it gives people an opportunity to "own the libs" on social media. Let's have a little more charity in our win, while we push toward the end of abortion. We should also remember that we are all sinners saved by grace, and are not any better than those who promote abortions, have had abortions or have performed abortions.
It is expected that this would produce a strong reaction. One person I follow on Twitter said "I hate you" regarding people who voted for Trump. Think about that beyond the emotional reaction: 62 million people voted for Trump in 2016 and 74 million people voted for Trump in 2020. Hatred for 62 million or 74 million people in your country - including many of your neighbors and your own family - is a terrible way to live. It does not harm me that you hate me for how I voted in 2020. Your hate rots your own soul and brings you misery. The same applies in reverse: I said in 2020 that you can be a good person and vote for Joe Biden, and I still believe that.
Speaking of bitterness, David French allowed his bitterness to come through in his newsletter about the defeat of Roe. Yes, there are many on the Right who are drowning in bitterness and fear. But there are plenty more who are dedicated to their families and church, who work hard, and are prepared to continue advocacy in compassion and determination. French is far too cynical about the Right and especially about Christendom. Pray for him and his cynicism.
We will see abortion split the nation, with some states allowing abortion until birth and some outright banning it, and some in between. But the real battle will now be shifting to chemical abortion. We must oppose chemical abortion just as we opposed surgical abortion, and seek to put it on the ash heap of history. God has been very merciful to us in this decision, but the battle has now only just begun. All the Supreme Court did was remove a roadblock, but that decision did not save a single life. That is now up to us, with God's grace.