Assisted suicide and eliminating "undesirable" people
What we are seeing here is the large-scale corruption of the medical profession. Instead of healing people or treating symptoms, "doctors" are offering death instead.
Michael Brendan Dougherty points out in National Review that nations that allow doctors to murder people tend to end up "radically expanding the definition of those eligible for medically assisted suicide." This is something that Christians warned about in the early 1990's, and they were called paranoid. No, this is only to spare people the worst pain of the last days of their lives, self-murder advocates claimed.
Canada is now a dystopian nightmare. People requesting wheelchair lifts are told to kill themselves. The Canadian government has offered death to people with obesity and grieving widows. The same government that persecuted truck drivers on the grounds of "public health" because they did not want to take the COVID-19 vaccine is now pushing death on scores of people. If it only saves one life, indeed! This is abominable hypocrisy.
What we are seeing here is the large-scale corruption of the medical profession. Instead of healing people or treating symptoms, "doctors" are offering death instead. The people who take an oath to "do no harm" are actively committing murder, encouraged to do so by the very government that God has put in place (Romans 13) to protect life and punish the wicked. As bad as it is to allow suicide, corrupting the medical profession and giving that duty to people who are supposed to heal makes it exponentially worse.
Millions of people mocked and ridiculed Sarah Palin when she warned that socialized medicine via ObamaCare would lead to "death panels." What we are seeing north of the border proves that Palin was right all along, as was Joe Bayly 28 years earlier when he wrote the novel Winterflight about a government that exterminated the elderly and defective.
None of this means that heroic measures to unnaturally prolong life and extend suffering are or should be mandatory. But there is a world of difference between allowing nature to take its course and actively corrupting doctors by getting them to murder their own patients. There is a world of difference between relieving pain along the way to death (even if using painkillers could hasten the end of life) and ending pain by murdering the patient.
I use the word murder deliberately, because intentionally terminating the life of a person who has done nothing to deserve death is murder, no matter whether that killing is "legal" or not.
We have lost the doctrine of man, to the point that many churches have failed to teach this fundamental truth of Scripture: The book of Genesis teaches us that man was made in God image, both male and female. Because man is made in God's image, ending a human life (other than punishment for murder) is prohibited by His Law. Man is the pinnacle of His creation, given rule over nature. Every life is precious because we honor God's image in man.
The pro-life movement has made great strides in protecting life at the very beginning, but we are losing the battle to protect the most vulnerable from medical vultures and bureaucrats who put saving money over protecting life. Our next legislative battle needs to be to protect the innocent who are disabled, elderly and mentally ill from a system that is literally embracing Nazi Germany's attitude toward eliminating undesirable people from our population.