Be careful of the opposite ditch
The "New Right" does not bring back shame to bring people to faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. They embrace shame to make themselves feel superior.
The wreckage of the sexual revolution has brought many responses, but not all of those reactions are good. The anti-feminist "New Right" loves to rip on female promiscuity. That is not in and of itself a bad thing, because promiscuity is destructive for both sexes. Women bear the brunt of that destruction in a different way, though.
The problem is that the approach of the "New Right" is often totally divorced from the Gospel. Once a woman has sinned sexually, she is tainted forever. She is "dirty" now - especially if she is a single mother. No man will ever want to date or marry her, and her worth is gone. These folks need to read Luke 7:36-48, because it is clear that the prostitute who washed Jesus' feet with her tears has more faith than the Pharisee who sat in judgment of her.
It is good to recapture sexual morality, and restoring shame to sexual immorality is an act of love to both the sinner and to those who are tempted by that sin. Shame brings repentance, and repentance brings salvation through faith. But the "New Right" does not bring back shame to bring people to faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. They embrace shame to make themselves feel superior to others and parade how "based" they are. They worship their own righteousness, not God. They have their reward.
The sexual revolution sent us into the "no judgment" ditch. Seeing how this has been destructive, the "New Right" veers away from it, but falls into the ditch of self-righteousness with no grace or forgiveness to be found. The Gospel is tossed aside. What they do not realize is that they are every bit as stained and dirty as the women they condemn. Any righteousness we have comes from the Holy Spirit, not from being "based." Read these passages from Scripture: Romans 3:10-12, Psalm 53:2-3, Isaiah 64:6 and Titus 3:3-7.
You are nothing. You have nothing. You deserve eternal damnation in Hell Fire. Each and every one of you - and me, also. By our own merit, we deserve nothing but damnation and punishment - no matter how "based" we are. But God has provided a way of escape. Accept His Son as Lord and Savior, and His blood will cleanse you of your sins - both the sin of sexual immorality and the sin of self-righteous pride. Repent and believe today.