Christian Citizens for Life
Christian Citizens for Life is Monroe County's anti-abortion organization, committed to defending all innocent human life from fertilization to natural death. They do quite a bit to advocate for the unborn and educate the public about life issues and local public policy. Here is how to follow CCFL: - CCFL's website is the primary source of information about what CCFL is doing and is a good place to keep up.
CCFL on Facebook - Follow CCFL for updates in your social network news feed.
CCFL on Twitter - Follow CCFL for updates in your social network news feed.
CCFL on YouTube - CCFL has uploaded several videos of recent events and will be uploading more going forward. If you cannot attend an event, you may be able to watch it later.
In addition to following CCFL online, you can participate in CCFL's community events. There are three events that take place every year, plus more that pop up. Follow the CCFL events page for details.
Rally for Life: Every January, CCFL sadly remembers the Supreme Court decision that threw out laws against abortion in all 50 states and opened the floodgates allowing the slaughter of 50 million unborn babies. There are always good speakers, free hot chocolate, and a reminder that you are not alone.
Monroe County Fair booth: CCFL reaches out to the community every summer with a booth at the county fair, handing out literature and hoping to educate people about the horror of abortion. Stop by and say hi!
Life Chain: CCFL stretches a Life Chain along Third Street every October with a pro-life message. This is part of the National Life Chain that takes place all across the nation the same day.
Everything CCFL does takes money. It costs money to reserve the courthouse, pay for insurance, reserve the fair booth and host the website. If you want to help CCFL stand for life in Monroe County, you can send a check to P.O. Box 2043, Bloomington, IN 47402. CCFL is currently exploring options for online donations.