Come to the 2016 Rally for Life
Printed in the Bloomington Herald-Times, January 08, 2016 (Comments)
To the Editor:
Christian Citizens for Life will be holding the 2016 Rally for Life on January 17 at 2:00 p.m. at the Monroe County Courthouse. This annual event serves as a witness against the barbaric act of abortion, and to sadly remember over fifty million unborn babies killed by America's abortion industry.
Do not let the rhetoric of the "pro-choice" side fool you. These are human beings, not part of the mother's body. For photographic evidence of the reality of abortion, go to Google and search for the Center for BioEthical Reform.
We have seen much progress made in protecting the unborn over the last five years in the state legislatures, but the 2016 election will be pivotal. It is important that we get out and vote, both for candidates who will support anti-abortion legislation and against candidates who support forcing us to subsidize America's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
We have seen far too much bloodshed and death since the 1973 Supreme Court decision that invented the "right" to kill babies in the womb. Stand with us as we say "no more" to this brutality and "yes" to a culture that values all human life from fertilization to natural death.