Do feminists want women to be raped and sexually mutilated?
Muslim terrorists take sadistic glee in the sexual mutilation and mass rape of women. Why would we want to expose American women to these barbarians?
On September 11, 2001, we entered a global War on Terror against Muslim terrorists. But while 9/11 forced us to finally take the threat seriously (for about five minutes) this war had actually been going on for well over a thousand years. The global War on Terror started hundreds of years before these United States ever existed, when a Muslim caliphate invaded and subjugated most of Spain after having conquered much of the middle East and North Africa. Western civilization was forced to understand the savage brutality of Muslim marauders many times over the last thousand years.
On October 7, 2023, that savage brutality came into clear view once again. Muslim terrorists breached the Israeli border and mercilessly slaughtered over one thousand people, but the murders were not the most shocking things done that day. That would be the horrific sexual violence: Muslim terrorists drove nails into women's vaginas, violently gang raped women both vaginally and anally, shot women in the vagina, cut women's breasts off and did other demonic things.
Sexual violence has always been used as a weapon of war, with examples too numerous to fully catalogue. The Soviet Union used mass rape to demoralize and humiliate Germany in the closing days of World War II. Japan used mass rape against China in World War II, and rape was a common weapon in the civil war over the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. And, of course, the Muslim terrorists of Turkey used mass rape and sexual mutilation against Christian Armenians while committing the genocide that paved the way for the Nazi Holocaust.
But it is the misogynistic sadism of Muslim terrorists who take special glee in the sexual mutilation and mass rape of women that should open our eyes about women in combat. Why on Earth would we ever want to subject American women to that, in the event of another ground conflict against Muslim terrorists? Do we not realize what will happen to American women if captured as POW by Muslim terrorists? We already know that female soldiers who were captured by Iraq were raped in both the 1991 and 2003 wars against Saddam Hussein's regime.
It is barbaric to send women into combat, especially given women's unique vulnerability to abuse in captivity. No civilized nation should ever allow its wives, mothers, sisters and daughters to bleed and die, much less be violently raped and sexually mutilated, while men stay at home. Men were given masculine strength, including higher bone density, greater muscle mass, and more efficient lungs, to protect women. It is sexually perverse to reverse the protector role, just as it is sexually perverse for men to use their masculine strength to beat the very women they are supposed to protect.
But feminists do not think that way. They want to deny science for the purpose of promoting a feminist political agenda. They argue that keeping women out of combat is "discriminatory" and want women to be drafted. Even some allegedly anti-feminist "red pill" men whine that it is "unfair" that women are not subject to the draft. But the only way to argue that the all male military draft is unconstitutional is to deny the scientific fact that there are significant anatomical differences between men and women.
Now is the time to start reversing the "gains" that feminists have made in exposing women to rape and sexual mutilation. The Church should lead the way, with sermons and public witness against this wicked and sexually perverse policy. What Americans need is not more egalitarianism that makes everyone the same. What we need is to celebrate the beautiful diversity of sex and to restore sexual sanity. Ending women's eligibility for combat is a good place to start.