Erasing women is not progress
It actually is possible to support "trans rights" without erasing the existence of 167 million women.
When the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade last month, the Herald-Times ran a headline about where "pregnant people" could get reproductive care. So we have a double dose of Fake News in one sentence. First, "reproductive care" is a euphemism for abortion. Even if one believes abortion should be legally accessible, reproductive care encompasses a whole lot more than just abortion. It does a disservice to doctors and their patients to narrow reproductive care to terminating a pregnancy.
But that was not the most egregious part of the headline. That would be referring to women as "pregnant people." The Herald-Times follows a religious dogma that men can get pregnant, even though this is scientifically impossible. So to avoid being accused of excluding "trans men" (women who identify as men) they reduced women to "pregnant people." It could be worse. Some media outlets have referred to women as "vagina owners," dehumanizing women by reducing them to one sexual organ. Not even Larry Flynt or Hugh Hefner would go that far.
This is what a "war on women" actually looks like. The news media is so terrified of offending "woke" activists on Twitter and a tiny but entitled percentage of the population that they are willing to completely erase 167 million women from existence. Just like they reduce reproductive care to abortion, they reduce women to baby incubators. Need I point out the hypocrisy of those who accuse conservatives of seeing women as incubators then doing that very same thing?
This is completely insane. It actually is possible to support "trans rights" without erasing the existence of 167 million women. But this is not and was never about accepting transgender people. This is a holy war to eliminate sex distinctions completely, transforming everyone into an amorphous, androgynous blob. But this religious crusade will fail, because the false god of militant transgenderism cannot rewrite the laws of nature written by nature's God. History will look back on this pandering with the derision it so richly deserves.