I never criticize Republicans!
I am a true hyperpartisan. I consistently criticize Democrats, but I never criticize Republicans, even when they deserve it. Well, except for the following places where I criticized Republicans:
♣ -- Don't give tax money to abortionists -- May 5, 2002
♣ -- Schwarzenegger is not the answer for California GOP -- August 21, 2003
♣ -- Conservative opposition to Schwarzenegger growing -- September 2, 2003
♣ -- I am losing respect for Pat Robertson -- September 3, 2003
♣ -- Republicans in Name Only -- November 10, 2003
♣ -- Bush gambled and lost on "campaign finance reform" -- December 16, 2003
♣ -- Why I do not follow the 11th Commandment -- June 19, 2004
♣ -- President McCain? May it never be. -- November 6, 2004
♣ -- Sabbagh is not making sense. -- February 28th, 2005
♣ -- David Sabbagh's hypocrisy -- March 12th, 2005
♣ -- What to do with Joyce Poling? -- May 2, 2005
♣ -- Deny the subsidy to Planned Parenthood -- May 20, 2005
♣ -- Joyce Poling the same as a Democrat -- November 9th, 2005
♣ -- Why I don't believe in the 11th Commandment -- March 28, 2006
♣ -- City government should not endorse rebellion against God's Word. -- April 19, 2006
♣ -- Are calls for "party unity" divisive? -- January 27, 2007
♣ -- Faith based hypocrisy -- February 27, 2007
♣ -- Giuliani's "moderate" stances make him unelectable -- November 14, 2007
♣ -- McCain and Giuliani disqualified -- May 30, 2007
♣ -- Nominating McCain will seriously wound the Republican Party -- February 4, 2008
♣ -- John McCain says the rules are for everyone but him -- April 15, 2008
♣ -- Can John McCain be trusted to nominate good judges? -- August 20, 2008
♣ -- I am a Republican, but I cannot support John McCain -- September 3, 2008
♣ -- Would conservatives vote for Barney Frank? -- September 16, 2008
♣ -- My new year's resolution -- January 1, 2009
♣ -- Mark Sanford needs to resign -- June 30, 2009
♣ -- McCain's loss was conservatism's gain -- November 20, 2009
♣ -- GOP moderates: You had your chance, and you lost! -- October 6, 2009
♣ -- Arizona Republicans: get rid of McCain! -- March 30, 2010
♣ -- "What happened to Dan Coats?" -- April 7, 2010
♣ -- McCain, not Palin, was the failed candidate in 2008 -- August 19, 2010
♣ -- Take your "party unity" and shove it! -- November 4, 2010
♣ -- What I choose to take for my cold is none of your business! -- December 17, 2010
♣ -- Prescriptions for pseudoephedrine won't stop meth -- April 1, 2011
♣ -- Meddling legislators need to stay out of my life! -- April 15, 2011
♣ -- Donald Trump's war against private property rights -- April 28, 2011
♣ -- Petulant Lugar lashes out, insults fellow Republicans -- May 18, 2011
♣ -- Rick Perry was wrong on the HPV vaccine -- September 20, 2011
♣ -- Santorum needs to stop whining about his "Google problem" -- September 26, 2011
♣ -- Remove Smith-Ille from the Election Board -- November 25, 2011
♣ -- Mourdock shows he does not trust voters -- February 9, 2012
♣ -- Legal or not, Lugar's residency issues are politically toxic -- March 27, 2012
♣ -- Limiting the student vote in Indiana -- March 13, 2013
♣ -- Shut up about the mythical "War on Christmas" already! -- March 20, 2013
♣ -- South Carolina Republicans should reject Mark Sanford -- April 10, 2013
♣ -- The New Jersey traffic scandal and 2016 -- January 14, 2014
♣ -- Chris Christie and a politically motivated traffic disaster -- January 13, 2014
But other than that, I never criticize Republicans!