It never even entered the mind of God
Directly funding abortion with tax dollars is wicked, and the Bloomington City Council will answer to God for what they have done.
The Bloomington City Council, which is supposed to represent all of the people of Bloomington, is now openly waging a culture war against its own citizens. We will use the tax money we forcibly confiscate from you to directly pay for killing unborn babies, they say, and we will be stubborn while we do it. The October 19 city council meeting was truly an embarrassing display of petulant rebellion against justice.
The city council has been giving tax money to Planned Parenthood for 23 years. For the last six years, they have given money to "All Options," which pays for abortions and gleefully advertises that service on its Facebook page. We knew all along that these tens of thousands of dollars were a pro-abortion political statement, even as they pointed out that the money does not go to abortion services. As I pointed out previously, now the mask is off. They are going to pay for abortions.
This is an especially wicked misallocation of our tax dollars. When the people of ancient Israel followed the people of Canaan to worship demons, they sacrificed their babies by burning them to death. The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 19:5 and Jeremiah 32:35 that the murder of infants is so wicked that it never even entered the mind of God that they would do such a thing. This is arguably the most intense rebuke in Scripture. The city council is using our tax dollars to fund modern-day child sacrifice in the name of "personal autonomy."
I reminded the City Council that Scripture teaches us in Romans 13 that all authority flows from and is delegated by God. This means that we are to respect and obey our civil authorities, but it also means that those civil authorities are responsible to God and will answer to Him about how they used they used the authority that He delegated to them.
What struck me when I listened to the councilors defend the abuse of their authority is how openly defiant they were about it. They have been unapologetic about funding Planned Parenthood and All Options before, but this year they were much more stubborn and unwilling to listen to opposition. But Proverbs 29:1-2 warns that those who are often reproved and become stubborn in response face the sudden judgment of God. Meanwhile, many people in Bloomingon mourn that the wicked are in authority.
As usual, the councilors did not bother to address the truly pro-choice argument presented to them - that they are the ones taking away choice by forcing us to directly donate to the murder of unborn children. This is because, for all their rhetoric about personal autonomy and how government should not be involved in personal choices, they do not believe any of it. They believe they have the right to push their agenda on their constituents, while loudly proclaiming that forcing an agenda on someone else is wrong.
Thanks for continuing your faithful, annual fight against abortion funding by the Bloomington City Council. The council members ignore the word of God to their peril. Obviously they believe the scripture is full of myths and legends suitable to fools. But, “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18.