Joe Biden has "compassion" for murderers and disdain for murder victims
A man crossed the border illegally and allegedly murdered a young woman. If there is anyone who should be treated with disrespect, it is a murderer.
This is an open letter to President Joe Biden.
Mr. President,
I wish I could say I was surprised by your remarks about the illegal alien who allegedly murdered Laken Riley. The fact that I am not surprised, and tens of millions of Americans are not surprised, ought to shame you.
You said that you will not disrespect any illegal alien. It is one thing to deal compassionately with people who are seeking a better life and want to provide for their families and contribute to society. That is indeed an honorable goal. But the fact that you apologized for a word you used to describe an accused murderer is a horrifying betrayal of your office and the American people.
A man crossed the border illegally and allegedly murdered a young woman. If there is anyone who should be treated with disrespect, it is a murderer. This, President Biden, ought to be your Willie Horton moment. When Michael Dukakis was governor of Massachusetts, his “compassionate” weekend furlough program was anything but compassionate for the man who was stabbed and the woman who was viciously, repeatedly raped by Horton. You have no compassion for a woman who was murdered, even though she (according to your alleged faith) was made in the image of God. You have plenty of compassion for the alleged murderer.
We can respect and have compassion for people seeking a better life, even if they break the law to do so. We should never have more compassion for an alleged murderer than for the woman who tragically lost her life at only 22 years old. You are so slavishly devoted to your radical Leftist base that you cannot even muster up the courage to use “mean words” about a man who allegedly beat a woman to death with such savage and barbaric force that he disfigured her skull. Once again, Mr. President, you should be ashamed of yourself.