Kanye West and the idolatry of celebrity
Conservatives have to stop making icons of people just because they annoy the Left.
The vast majority of the entertainment industry is supportive of Democrats and/or Leftist political ideology. Since there is no shortage of celebrities supporting Democrats, conservative celebrities make news. This is not surprising, nor is it a problem. The problem is when conservatives rush to support that celebrity regardless of that person's actual credentials or demonstrated skills. In some cases, it backfires badly.
When a Miss USA contestant gave a milquetoast answer to a question about same-sex marriage in 2009, she was viciously personally attacked by a gossip blogger. The National Organization for Marriage sought to use her celebrity status to get more attention, and made her a spokesperson. She made Leftists angry, so she immediately became a hero. Then, a racy photo shoot leaked, and it was clear that young woman was not prepared to be part of a national political battle.
That was the case that came to mind this week when Kanye West promised to go "death con 3" on Jews. West was showered with praise by conservatives when he came out in support of President Trump in 2018, despite the fact that there were warning signs about his unstable personality and why he would not be a good conservative spokesperson. He got new attention and adulation from the Right after an interview with Tucker Carlson, only to immediately beclown himself with an anti-Semitic rant on social media.
Fellow conservatives, this has to stop. Obviously, we should welcome people who support conservative ideas. But we have to stop lifting people up as icons of the movement when they have not demonstrated the necessary gravitas to be in that position. I can personally name many people fighting in the trenches every day who would be far better spokespeople for conservatism than West, a Miss USA contestant, or Roseanne Barr. Knock it off with this celebrity worship. This does not help the movement.
The second Commandment instructs us on idols: “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; ….” (NIV). Christians and Jews should never worship celebrities no matter their political leanings. As a Christian, the only object of my worship must be God.