Mike Pence is a man of integrity, not a "traitor" or a "Judas."
There is a principled case to be made for voting for Trump. There is not and will never be a legitimate case for treating him as a religious icon.
Trump fans made Vice President Mike Pence "trend" on social media a couple weeks ago, after Pence announced he would not endorse Donald Trump in the 2024 general election while respecting the choice of people who will be voting for him. For this, Pence was damned as a "Judas" and a "traitor."
Before I defend Pence, I should acknowledge that not all of the criticisms are invalid. Pence signed a pledge in the summer of 2023 to support the Republican nominee for President, knowing that Trump was the prohibitive favorite to be the nominee. Pence is now backing away from that pledge. Pence needs to explain what changed between the time he signed the pledge and March 2024. Trump is doing nothing different now than he was doing then, and the objections to Trump in the summer of 2023 are the same as the objections now.
One of the words used to describe Pence is instructive: "Judas." Judas, of course, was a disciple of Jesus Christ who betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver. There are tens of millions of people who did and/or will vote for Trump who do so out of principle, support for his policies or opposition to Biden. But there is a significant number of people who literally view Trump as a religious icon, and their devotion to him mirrors the devotion to cult leaders like David Koresh. This wicked idolatry must be opposed and rebuked. There is a principled case to be made for voting for Trump. There is not and will never be a legitimate case for treating him as a religious icon. Pence is not Judas because Trump is not Jesus - nor is he King David. Repent of this idolatry.
Pence is a man of great personal integrity. He sacrificed his personal ambitions to do what he believed was right: He counted the Electoral College votes on January 6 over the objections of Trump. Pence sought advice as to whether he had the legal authority to do as Trump asked, but concluded he did not. Pence knew in that moment that his political career was over, and that his dream of becoming President was gone. He refused to follow a path that would have, if successful, allow him to remain Vice President and set him up as the front-runner for the Republican nomination in 2024. Pence is a man of unwavering principle. The same cannot be said of Trump, who has no loyalty to Pence despite Pence's years of service to Trump's agenda.
Mike Pence served his country and state with honor. Unlike Donald Trump, he ended his time as a chief executive with a budget surplus and enormous fiscal reserves. He was willing to sacrifice his career and reputation, even though it pained him to oppose Trump, who he counted as a personal friend. You may not agree with what Pence did on January 6. I know people of principle and good character (which obviously does not include Trump) who have argued Pence was wrong. But there should be no question that Pence stood on principle and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. That should be honored.