Nelson Shaffer and open meetings
Printed in the Herald-Times, October 13, 2012 (Comments)
To the Editor:
Nelson Shaffer, Republican candidate for county commissioner, is a reform-minded candidate who wants your input in local government. He deserves your vote.
Right now, the county commissioners meet at 9:00 a.m., a time when most working people cannot attend. In my August 1 guest column calling for meeting times that are accessible to the public, I said local candidates should tell the voters where they stand on meeting times and that the Herald-Times should press those candidates for answers.
Shaffer posted on his Facebook page that he wanted the county commissioners' meetings to take place when working people can attend. Shaffer also sent a notice regarding his position to the H-T, which for some reason was ignored.
I appreciate the attention the Herald-Times has given the issue, including a front page news story and two staff editorials. Unfortunately, there has been a lack of information about where the candidates for county commissioner stand on open meetings.
If this issue is important enough to cover, why ask someone who is not running for re-election instead of the people who are running for commissioner and can change the policy? Why ignore candidates who reach out to inform voters of where they stand?