President Biden's unjustifiable clemency
Genesis 9:6 says that murderers "shall" be executed, not that they "may" be executed.
Jorge Avila-Torrez sexually assaulted and stabbed two girls in 2005. One of the girls was 8 years old, and the other was 9 years old. That should have been enough to keep him in prison for life, but our corrupt Deep State released him. Five years later, he abducted three young women. "He raped, sodomized, and strangled one of the women," and left her on the side of the road to die.
By releasing this super predator into the wild after the brutally violent assault on two children, the corrupt Deep State enabled and were accomplices to the violent rape, as well as the murder of Amanda Snell, who Avila-Torrez strangled to death. (Why the corrupt Deep State allowed Avila-Torrez to join the Marines is another thing entirely.) President Joe Biden, claiming to be motivated by his "christian" faith, spared Avila-Torrez from the death penalty that he richly deserves.
Biden also granted clemency to so-called "judge" Michael Conahan, who gave juveniles the harshest possible punishments in exchange for kickbacks from for-profit juvenile detention facilities. The "judge" ruined hundreds of lives for money, and at least one of "judge" Conahan's victims committed suicide. This is corruption of the highest order that seriously damages the credibility of the criminal justice system and undermines law and order. "Judge" Conahan should be hanged, not released early.
These are just two of the people granted clemency by Biden. Another one is a man who viciously murdered two bank tellers during a bank robbery in 2017. There was no reason to do this, other than pure sadism. Biden insulted the victims' families just days before Christmas by granting "mercy" to the man who showed no mercy to his victims. Biden also showed "mercy" to a man who was on death row for murdering a prison guard, showing absolutely no mercy to any future guards who may be viciously murdered by this man.
Biden excluded only three men from his mass clemency of murderers and rapists: Two white supremacists who murdered Jews and Blacks in their synagogue and church, respectively, and Boston Marathon mass murderer Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. But Biden's justification - that terrorists and race-motivated killers deserve death - makes no sense. Are the lives of the other people who were raped, murdered and sodomized less valuable than the victims of "hate crimes" and terrorism? God forbid. This will lead to more crimes being charged as "hate crimes" or terrorism, in order to preserve just punishment for the murderers.
Biden claimed he showed "mercy" because of his "christian" faith. But when God provided the death penalty for murderers, He did make it optional. Genesis 9:6 says that murderers "shall" be executed, not that they "may" be executed. God further warns in Leviticus 20:1-5 that not executing a man who burns his own children to death will result in God's judgment against those who show "mercy" to the baby killer. If Biden is a "christian," he should tremble before that passage.
The primary purpose of civil government is to protect the innocent by punishing the wicked. When government abandons this sacred duty given by God Himself, it sows chaos and anarchy. Thankfully, Biden will be out of office in two and a half weeks. For all of his many flaws, President Trump understands the need for the death penalty, which is why he rushed to have murderers exterminated in the final weeks of his first term. January 20, and the end of Biden's wicked rule, cannot come soon enough.