Pro-abortion protesters' decision was unacceptable
By mobbing a nonprofit that cares for women, these protesters proved they are not interested in women's health or rights.
Normally, I post my letters to the editor on the main blog, but did not this time for some reason. I was falsely attacked in the comments when this was published. The comment section is gone, but my response is here.
Printed in the Herald-Times, July 8, 2022
To the Editor:
Overturning Roe v. Wade has led to nationwide protests, but the protest in Bloomington ran past any principles of civility and decency when "pro-choice" activists mobbed the Women's Care Center. They waited until WCC closed to surround and harass center staff, and police had to be called to restore order and protect the staff. This is unacceptable.
We have heard people say "if you do not like abortion, do not have one" for 50 years. But the hypocrites who mobbed the Women's Care Center refused to follow that principle: If you do not like a center that provides care, supplies and diapers to women in need, do not go there. They are right next door to Planned Parenthood, so no one is being denied a choice by the existence of the center.
By mobbing a nonprofit that cares for women, these protesters proved they are not interested in women's health or rights. They care only about a pro-abortion political agenda. The pro-abortion mob is trying to steal choice from women. This is the opposite of being pro-choice. Every official in city and county government should denounce this behavior and stand with the staff and volunteers trying to care for women.