Quick note on masks
I continue to be disappointed in the division within Christendom over face masks and whether we should obey government orders to wear masks. This ought to be a really simple solution, regarding how each side views and speaks to the other. Our orientation should look like this:
The pro-mask side: We think you are wrong in disobeying the mask order, as this is a reasonable order to follow and not a restriction on our ability to worship Jesus Christ. We should submit to the civil authority as commanded in Romans 13. However, we believe you came to this decision prayerfully and in good faith, and we respect your convictions on this issue.
The anti-mask side: We think you are wrong in obeying the mask order, as this is an unreasonable order to follow and is a hindrance to our ability to worship Jesus Christ. We should obey God rather than man as commanded in Acts 5:29. However, we believe you came to this decision prayerfully and in good faith, and we respect your convictions on this issue.