Random thoughts of the day
♣ Here is a great post by Pastor Tim Bayly. We must fight against sexual abuse and we must respect due process. Do you remember the Duke University lacrosse team and the Central Park Five?
♣ It amazes me how often I am accused of hypocrisy based not on what I do, but based on what other people do.
♣ Government is not a necessary evil. It is a gift of God for our benefit. Like with all of His gifts, we pervert it and make it repressive.
♣ I was an officer in both the College Republicans and Students for Life as a student at Indiana University. Now if you add the ages of two clubs' presidents together, it is less than mine. I am an old man. Get off my lawn.
♣ Men who refuse to submit to proper authority are bad leaders themselves. They are either tyrants or doormats. If you are looking for a good leader, first find someone who submits to those in authority over him.
♣ The best poster boys for free speech are the most obnoxious ones. That is how we test whether we are truly committed to our ideals.
♣ Drunk sex is not rape unless one of the people involved is too incapacitated to consent. If a woman willingly consents to sex while drunk, she was not raped, despite the hysterical screeching from feminists.