Such were some of you, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord
Scripture tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
When Michael Knowles interviewed Nala Ray, a former porn star who converted to Christianity, "conservatives" attacked both of them, saying it would be best if women like this were shunned from society forever. Others attacked the very notion that God could forgive this woman for her sins:
Christians believe this woman can truly be saved,
The naivety of conservative Christians is driving more people towards atheism and Islam.
The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 that the fact that Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins and that His death paid our debt to God is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to Gentiles. But to those who are saved, it is the power of God. We know from Romans 10:9-13 that this woman can be saved because "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Furthermore, when the Apostle Paul warns the Corinthians that certain people will not inherit the Kingdom of God in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, he says "such were some of you." Through the power of God, they were cleansed of their sins.
People who say a porn star cannot be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ are deceived on two grounds.
They do not understand the breadth and depth of their sin. Our sin is so wicked and repulsive to a perfectly holy God that He cannot stand for us to be in His presence. Sin requires punishment. Nothing we do will ever be good enough to please God. That is why Jesus paid the penalty.
They do not believe that Jesus' death on the cross is sufficient to cover our sins. The Son of God giving His life for us is just not good enough for them.
Do not be deceived by these modern-day Pharisees.
Why are we spending time on this at all? That is what Laura Loomer wants to know:
Why do @michaeljknowles and his simp fan accounts fight harder for Porn stars than they fight for Donald Trump?
Truly depraved behavior from Con Inc that does nothing to help Trump get re-elected.
First, this is an obvious lie. Second, and I know this is shocking to many people today, but the world does not revolve around you and what you want. People on podcasts and talk radio and Fox News are not going to spend all of their time helping Trump or any other candidate for office. There are other things going on in the world. Furthermore, spreading the Gospel is infinitely more important than any election. Demanding that anyone spend all of his time promoting Trump instead of speaking of eternal things is a clear violation of the First Commandment. Repent of this wicked idolatry.
Is it possible that Ray's conversion is not genuine? Is it possible that this is a grift? Sure, and if that is the case it would not be the first time a celebrity "conversion" has been fake. But absent clear evidence to the contrary, Christians should not be so cynical about a new convert. How would the "christians" condemning Ray feel if they were rejected by their fellow Christians when they accepted Christ? Considering what we have been forgiven and how we cannot possibly be righteous apart from Jesus' substitutionary atonement, we should rejoice that a Prodigal Daughter has repented.
Be careful of the opposite ditch.
God forgives OnlyFans prostitutes, so we must also.