The Bloomington City Council's shameful Gaza resolution
The city council refused to condemn the mass rapes and sexual mutilation committed by Hamas terrorists. Do they not care about rape victims?
This is an open letter to the Bloomington City Council.
I wanted to express my disagreement with your resolution for a cease-fire in Gaza, which you passed again on May 1 after the mayor refused to sign it. By far the worst part of your resolution is the fact that you left out important facts about the war crimes committed by Hamas on October 7.
You mentioned the number of people killed by Hamas terrorists, but you failed to mention the absolutely horrifying misogynistic nature of the sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas on October 7. Hamas terrorists drove nails into women’s vaginas, shot and stabbed women in the vagina, cut off their breasts, gang raped women so violently it broke their pelvic bones, anally raped them and even raped the corpses after they were dead. The point was ritualistic defilement of the victims. The fact that the horrifying sexual violence committed was not included in your resolution is an affront to all women in this community.
There is and can be no moral equivalence between collateral damage inflicted by the Israeli military and the savage brutality committed by Hamas terrorists on October 7, especially the targeting of women and girls for sexual violence and the slaughter of infants. Furthermore, the women taken captive by Hamas are still being subjected to horrific sexual violence by their captors. Again, why was this sexual violence not in your resolution? Do you not care about victims of rape? Perhaps this was discussed in the meeting, but a thorough condemnation of the rapes and sexual mutilation absolutely should have been in the resolution.
October 7 was the worst kind of cowardice: A targeted attack meant to slaughter and sexually violate as many innocent civilians as possible. The cowards did not attack a military base: They attacked a music festival and then targeted private homes to massacre noncombatants and rape the women and girls who lived there.
What we need to understand is that this is a civilizational conflict between radical Islamic barbarians and western civilization itself. October 7, September 11 and the genocide of Armenian Christians by the Ottoman Empire are all of a fabric: A declaration of war against western civilization by Islamist barbarians. Remember that the Armenian genocide also featured horrifying sexual violence and using gang rapes as a weapon of war, to brutalize the women and humiliate the men. This is not to say that all Muslims are genocidal barbarians like the Ottoman Empire, al Qaeda and Hamas, but that this strain of Islam is a radical theology that seeks the complete destruction of Western Europe, Russia, Israel and these United States.
Hamas could end the suffering of the people of Gaza as quickly as it takes me to snap my fingers. All they need to do is surrender and give up their political power. They could have prevented all of this on October 7 by agreeing to fight like men on the battlefield instead of targeting civilians for murder, mass rape and sexual mutilation. Hamas could fight like men instead of hiding behind women and children. Hamas wants as many of their own women, children and elderly people killed as possible to use as a propaganda war, which is why they are using them as human shields. Every single civilian death in the Gaza war is a war crime committed by Hamas.
It is one thing to pass resolutions stating your opinion on national or international issues, no matter how misguided your opinion might be. Refusing to officially recognize the barbaric and brutal war crimes committed by Hamas on October 7 reveals all of you to be totally morally unfit for office and unfit to represent this city. As a citizen and property owner in Bloomington, you do not represent me and I totally reject your attempt to gain moral authority on this war. I only recognize your total moral depravity.