The deeply unhelpful "bear vs man" controversy
We should not be constantly looking for ways for the sexes to snipe at each other through social media.
As a woman, would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or with a random man? Many women on social media said they would prefer a bear, as a man can be much more cruel and no one would take the bear's side in the event of an attack. As is to be expected, much feces-throwing followed as people started to imitate howler monkeys. I have not seen any comparisons to Adolf Hitler or Nazis, but Godwin's Law tells us that is inevitable.
It is unhelpful for men to immediately become defensive and dismiss this trend as a product of "man-hating feminists." Men need to recognize that there is a great deal of sin in this world. Christians reacting defensively would do well to remember Romans 3:10-12, where Scripture tells us that there is no one who is righteous. We should also remember that women are uniquely vulnerable to men in a way men are not, because of the differences in size, strength, muscle mass and bone density between men and women.
For their part, feminists need to stop being bitter and distrustful of men. Radical feminism has taught that all women are victims and that all men are oppressors. This is a lie. A man could be violent, sure. We have all seen examples of sexual depravity and horrific violence against women in the news. But a man you encounter in the woods could also help you find shelter, help you find food or share the food he has, and help protect you from wild animals. There is a zero percent chance that a bear will do any of that for you.
All of this is deeply unhelpful. Yes, there are bad men and there are bad women. But we should not be constantly looking for ways for the sexes to snipe at each other through social media. We should not be looking for way to create controversy and arguments. While it is important to raise awareness of sexual violence, this is a counterproductive way to do that - even if it does help you "go viral" and gain a bunch of new followers.