The typical coward's way out
Tim Kaine's position on abortion is fraudulent. He pretends to be "personally opposed" to abortion but has 100% ratings from both NARAL and Planned Parenthood. It is the typical coward's way out for a politician who wants to have it both ways.
If Kaine legitimately believes that abortion is the murder of an innocent baby, he is by his own words admitting that he opposes criminalizing murder. He is by his own words admitting that he is willing to accept over one million murders per year - a total that makes the death toll of the Holocaust tiny by comparison - in order to advance his own political career. Kaine - by his own admission - is no different from a member of the Nazi Party who had a problem with Auschwitz but did not want to hurt his advancement with the party. Hey, maybe he can be vice-Fuhrer!
This is nothing new. Hillary Clinton's husband, disgraced ex-President Clinton, pretended he wanted abortion to be "safe, legal and rare" but opposed any and all efforts to actually make it more rare. This included even banning the horrific late term procedure known as "partial birth abortion." What happens in a PBS is gruesome: The baby is delivered feet first, until only the head remains inside the mother. The "doctor stabs the baby in the back of the head, rips her brain out, and crushes her skull.
But even with Kaine's full support, some feminists were unhappy with Hillary Clinton choosing Kaine. This is because they brook no dissent whatsoever on their pet issue. It is not enough to vote with them 100% of the time on policy grounds: You must define abortion as essential health care and presenting no moral qualms whatsoever. The fact that this wing of the Democratic Party adopts this extreme position is something that Republicans should exploit in down-ballot races, especially for Congress.