Tolerance is not the same as approval
"Fat acceptance" extremists are authoritarians who want to micromanage what you do with your body.
We have all seen people mocked and ridiculed for their weight. Children and teenagers can be especially cruel in how they treat overweight people. We should not bully people for their weight, and we should stand up for those who are bullied. But opposition to bullying overweight people does not mean we should submit to the extremism of the "fat acceptance" movement.
We have gotten to the point that practicing "tolerance" and opposing "discrimination" means that our own personal, private choices about our own bodies is now seen as suspect at best, or outright persecution at worst. We actually have people claiming that if you try to lose weight on purpose, you are a bigot, even if you have never treated anyone poorly because of their weight.
Of course, the two-faced hypocrisy of "fat acceptance" activists who support "trans rights" is appalling. It is perfectly OK to cut off or mutilate healthy body parts or to mess up one's naturally body chemistry with cross-sex hormones, and that is not misogyny or misandry. Meanwhile, to intentionally lose a few pounds of fat for any reason is bigotry and persecution. How can anyone take anything these people say seriously?
People intentionally lose weight for various reasons. I am not going to go into any of those reasons, because this defense is more than sufficient: It is none of your business when a consenting adult chooses to lose weight. Let me repeat that. It is none of your business. No one has to justify their personal decisions about their weight to you or anyone else. You do not get to micromanage every aspect of someone's life because the number that shows up when that person gets on the scale makes you feel less insecure.