Transgender "rights" do not include the "right" to rape
Putting men into a women's prison, knowing those men will rape female inmates, is Satanic.
The story sounds almost too insane to be true: A man named "Karen" White is put into a women's prison, where he sexually assaults female prisoners. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is the reality of the "trans rights" cult.
It is true that "trans women" often face abuse in prison, and special care must be taken to protect them from other inmates. Once someone is in the custody of the state, it is the state's moral and legal responsibility to take all reasonable actions to protect them from violence. This does not mean that "trans women" should be housed with real women, especially when those "trans women" have a history of sexual violence against women and children.
But the Alphabet Mafia is not concerned about sexual violence against women. Many of them screeched about a "war on women" in 2012, but have proven themselves to be detestable hypocrites in the years since then. Refusing to recognize that someone born with a penis and testicles is a "woman" is actually "violence," and society must affirm this person's self-professed gender identity. If that "woman" then goes to prison and rapes other women with "her penis," then that is the price that must be paid. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, or in this case allowing a few women to be raped.
Putting men into a women's prison, knowing those men will rape female inmates, is Satanic. There is no moral, legal or "civil rights" justification for enabling the abuse of women in prison. This is a betrayal of a basic function of government, as government is doing exactly the opposite of what they are supposed to be doing - protect people from criminals and predators. This practice needs to stop immediately, and the elected officials who enabled this policy should be behind bars for the rest of their natural lives.
None of this means that we should not have compassion for people who legitimately have gender dysphoria and the mental anguish they experience from believing their bodies do not match who they believe themselves to be. But whatever form that takes, it should never lead us to compromise women's safety or allow women to be raped in service to a Politically Correct theology. That is literally human sacrifice to appease a pagan "god," and we should never tolerate that religious practice.