Trump voters decided that racism isn't a deal breaker?
Some people have completely gone off the deep regarding the election of Donald Trump as President of these United States, to the point that they have become hysterical. Here is one such comment on Facebook, posted by a Republican who lives here in Bloomington:
Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn't a deal breaker. End of story.
My comment on that post is below, though I have removed the name of the person who originally posted the meme. I think it is useful to keep perspective with people who vote for someone we find reprehensible, so that is why I am re-posting it on the blog.
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Do you really believe that 20,527 people in Monroe County consciously decided that "racism is not a deal breaker" when they voted for President?
Forget about the more than 60 million people nationwide who voted for Donald Trump.
Do you really believe that 20,527 people in right here in Monroe County - our friends, our family, our co-workers, the people in our churches, the parents of our children's friends, and so forth - consciously decided that "racism is not a deal breaker" when they voted for Donald Trump for President?
Because I am going to be blunt with you. That is offensive.
As you know, I did not vote for Trump, and I stand by that decision. If I had the 2016 election to do over a million times, I would have made that same decision a million times. I have taken a whole lot of crap for that.
But I have a lot of friends that did vote for Trump, and these are not people active in the Republican Party.
I am talking about people who have no use for Trump as a person and think he will be a terrible President but who voted for him anyway because Hillary is so awful. Or people who have no use for Trump but voted for him because of personal loyalty to Mike Pence. That includes people who have adopted black children from Africa. And that includes some white folks who think we need MORE immigration from Mexico, not less.
That is who you are smearing. You have gone way, way over the line here and frankly I think you need to apologize for this post.