Twerking does not advance policy
The most poisonous thing in politics is the determination to defend every single thing someone on "your side" does. This is idolatry.
Sometimes when you do something stupid, it is best to admit you are wrong and move on. Instead, too many people will triple down and make their error into a principle. Far too often, the most important thing in politics is to "clap back" instead of showing a little humility. Partisans cannot ever allow the opposing side to be right, so they head deeper and deeper into Clown World.
This brings me to Rhode Island state senator Tiara Mack, who is a complete joke. After she posted a video of herself "twerking" in a bikini on her official campaign social media accounts, she got a backlash. In response, she beclowned herself even more by Tweeting this:
The media is trying not to cover the real issues, but not on MY watch. I #TwerkFor joy, abortion justice, body autonomy, trans rights, and intersex rights.
It is not the media or the "right wing" that made Mack's behavior an issue. Mack herself made it an issue and then doubled down on it. But here is a serious question. How exactly is "twerking" on camera going to advance the causes you claim to care about? It will not. It does nothing to advance the arguments for those causes, and it does nothing to get legislation passed. It is your attention-seeking behavior that is the distraction from your issues, not the people who noticed that you were seeking attention.
And no, Mack is not being "persecuted" for being homosexual, nor is she being "persecuted" for being black or female. She is getting blowback for being so self-absorbed that she thinks twerking in a bikini on her official campaign site is appropriate behavior for a state senator. My advice: Act like an adult, and you will not get the negative attention you are complaining about.