Two-faced hypocrites attack Republicans serving the poor
It is rather absurd that Leftists see Nazis around every corner, and one of the more silly examples is an accusation in a recent letter to the editor that the Monroe County Republican Party's "red shirt" group reminds the author of Nazi Brownshirts. (The Brownshirts were thugs that preceded the Nazi regime and were notoriously violent.) The Monroe GOP "red shirts" are a group started earlier this year that volunteers with various social service agencies to help the poor and those in need.
My main concern with the name "red shirts" is that everyone stay far away from the Starship Enterprise. We all know what happens to people who wear red shirts on the Enterprise. Also, I just hope I was not unwittingly a member of a group of neo-Nazi thugs when I wore my red shirt while working at Kroger years ago. If the employees in red shirts (or gray, or blue) are modeled after Nazi brownshirts, I wonder what the Service employees International Union is, then. Would the SEIU be the SS?
Seriously, folks... Is this actually an objection? Is this a serious criticism?
Do people believe this foolishness? Really?
Come on, people. There is no historical context to understand and there is no education needed regarding "red shirt" volunteers here in Monroe County. It is an absurd leap to equate a group organized to serve people in need to thugs and criminals who terrorized people to advance a political agenda. This is one of the biggest reasons Donald Trump won, because people are fed up with this politically correct nonsense from pathetic crybabies who are perpetually "offended" every minute of the day. Grow up and get over yourself.
When you cannot even volunteer your time and money to serve the poor without being equated to Nazi thugs in Weimar Germany, political correctness is totally out of control and *should* be mocked and ridiculed for the foolishness it is. The Leftists attacking the Monroe GOP cannot be taken seriously and should not be engaged in a serious discussion. I truly do not care about your feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, because your feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings are not based in reality.
By the way, the hypocrisy in these defamatory attacks is astonishing. I have heard for decades that Republicans do not care about the poor. When local Republicans step up to serve those in need by volunteering their time and money, they are literally smeared as Nazis. This destroys the credibility of the people making the attacks. Finally, given the Leftist "punch a Nazi" memes going around, can we expect to see Republicans volunteering at local social service agencies be the subject of violence and terrorism from deranged Leftists?