Vicious sadism by the Libertarian Party
Openly celebrating the death of a political opponent four years after the fact and mocking his family for their grief is depraved and perverted.
This is an open letter to the New Hampshire Libertarian Party.
Of all the votes I have cast in my life, the one I am most proud of is my vote for Bob Barr for President in 2008. I have voted against John McCain every single time he has been on my ballot. I agree with the Libertarian Party that interventionism is bad and that we should not be sending troops all over the world or dropping bombs on nations where we do not have troops. With that said:
What is wrong with you people?
When you were dancing on John McCain's grave a year ago, at least you were trying to make a point. You did it in a totally depraved way, but you argued for not dropping bombs or starting wars. This year, you abandoned all pretense of arguing for non-interventionist policy and you were openly mocking a woman grieving the death of her father. You have embraced the status of deviant perverts.
And here is something you fail to grasp in your childish trolling, proving you do not understand policy or take your so-called "principles" seriously: If John McCain's father and mother had never met and he never existed, every single bomb that was dropped would have been dropped. Every single soldier that was deployed would have been deployed. You are mocking the pain of a deceased man's daughter over policy that Senator McCain may have supported, but was actually implemented by the men who have served as Commander-in-Chief over the course of the last 40 years. In your childish trolling, you have only proved your total ignorance about foreign policy and our constitutional form of government.
The damage you have done to the cause of non-interventionism, and libertarianism generally, is incalculable. Many people will be turned off by Libertarians and small-L philosophical libertarians because of your behavior. The Libertarian Party has described itself as "the party of principle" for generations. You have proven that you have no principles other than cruelty and vicious sadism. No matter what you think of John McCain or his views on foreign policy, openly mocking his daughter for her grief is 100% pure evil. You should be ashamed of yourselves.