We need moral clarity in the Israel/Hamas conflict
Hamas is of the same fabric as the people who destroyed the World Trade Center. They must be exterminated without mercy.
When Muslim terrorists crashed passenger planes into the World Trade Center on September 11, our nation had a brief moment of moral clarity. We understood that we were entering a global War on Terror that could not be defined by geopolitics, but must be understood as a clash of civilizations. Most of us knew that this is a religious war, declared by Muslim terrorists against the USA and our allies. Sadly, we quickly lost that moral clarity, and we have paid for it ever since.
You simply could not separate religion from the events of 9/11. When 19 men willingly kill themselves in order to get the chance to slaughter women and children, that cannot be explained by anything other than religious fanaticism. They believed that they would go to Heaven for their heinous acts. (Of course, they are currently suffering in horrible burning agony in Hell Fire, and will continue to suffer in horrible burning agony for all eternity.)
The thing we need most in order to understand the war between Israel and Hamas is the moral clarity we had after September 11 and lost in the years since that terrible day. Hamas is of the same fabric as the people who destroyed the World Trade Center. Hamas is of the same fabric as the people who mercilessly slaughtered thousands in Iraq via suicide bombings. This is a religious war, and there can be no political solutions to a religious war.
We need to be clear in what Hamas did on October 7. They crossed the border, massacring innocent people at a music festival. They kidnapped and violently gang-raped women. They slaughtered children and babies. They massacred whole families. They kidnapped women and children to be held as rape slaves. While Nazi Germany tried to hide evidence of their crimes as Allied armies approached, the Muslim terrorists who perpetrated the war crimes of October 7 posted video of the atrocities on social media. They are proud of what they did. They think it earns the praise of their "god."
There is and can be no moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas, just as there could be no moral equivalence between these United States and the Muslim terrorists we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel is fighting the same enemy we have fought in the War on Terror for the last 22 years. Despite the foolish claims of populist "conservatives," no one is saying we should "start a war." We are already in a war against Muslim terrorists, and we have been in a war for generations. We did not start this war, but for the sake of our survival we better finish it the way we finished Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.