Yes, monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease
Our public health establishment is beclowning itself by refusing to tell the truth about how monkeypox is spreading.
After two years of dealing with COVID-19, there was quite a bit of anxiety once monkeypox hit the news. Why was it spreading beyond areas where it is endemic? What is happening? The answer soon became clear: A large festival in Europe where men were having sex with men in large numbers was the origin point of the outbreak, and when homosexual men returned home and started having sex with other men in their cities the virus began spreading there. Nearly three months later, the monkeypox outbreak is still largely contained to men who have sex with men. (MSM)
But we have been warned over and over not to say that. Telling the truth "stigmatizes" MSM and is seen as judgmental. Some have even suggested this will lead to violence and even murder of homosexual men. This is utter nonsense and should be emphatically rejected. It is not "anti-gay" to point out that highly promiscuous sex is dangerous and spreads disease. And the fact is that promiscuity is the driving force behind this outbreak.
From the New England Journal of Medicine:
"the median number of sex partners in the previous 3 months was 5 partners"
From NBC News:
"In the new global study, the men had a median age of 38 and ranged between 18 and 68 years old. Three quarters are white, and 41% have HIV. "
The Daily Caller describes the case of one man who:
claims to have come into sexual contact with 15-20 different men, after which he proceeded to attend another orgy less than a week later, despite being “pretty nervous” about monkeypox.
The UK Daily Mail reports on another patient:
He became convinced he had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) after sleeping with around 10 new partners in the weeks before his symptoms started.
The issue in the spread of monkeypox is not homosexuality itself. The issue is promiscuity, and in some cases extreme promiscuity. It is not "compassionate" to hide the truth about a dangerous virus when we could be educating people about the need for restraint. The idea that it is unreasonable to tell people not to have dangerously promiscuous sex is absurd, especially after spending the last two years telling people they could not go to work or go to church for months on end, or that they may not shop at the grocery store without wearing a mask. After that, telling people not to be promiscuous is not unreasonable.
So yes, despite the howls of outrage, monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease, because it is being spread by highly promiscuous homosexual sex. The virus can be spread by non-sexual skin-to-skin contact, or through infected linens, but the vast majority of infections have come through men having sex with men. The only way we can get this virus under control is to strongly discourage promiscuous sexual behavior. Our leaders need to start telling the truth about this!