Any truly objective view of Donald Trump would conclude that he was an overall negative for the Republican Party and for the nation. Anything good that happened was inspite of not because of him. The man has no respect for rule of law, limited government or free trade.

As far as hoping if he is re-elected in 2024 that their are people around him who will restrain him and not be sycophants. That’s delusional thinking at best, Trump surrounds himself with sycophants and most republicans have shown no willingness to stand up to him.

My problem with your entire attitude and approach to Trump is that you minimize the dangerous aspects of his most cultish followers and especially how he encourages their idolatrous attitude and view of him.

As for respecting rule of law Trump does not. He thought as president he had the power to do whatever he pleased. As for fighting back all Trump did was blow off his mouth. Especially nuts was claiming falsely that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history, or that they would have had the border wall finished in three weeks. Those are provable lies.

Stop trying to rationalize or downplay his bad side. It’s the only one he has.

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Yes, Trump did a number of good things, and he did restore constitutional rights for men accused of sexual misconduct. It is Obama and Biden who are in rebellion against the rule of law on that issue, not Trump. He appointed three solid justices, which would not have happened had Clinton been elected. Roe v. Wade may fall because of that.

Trump did have good advisors during his first term, and the New York Times reported that he was talked out of bad decisions by those advisors. Because of his pride, Trump can't be talked out of something publicly but is reachable privately.

If I was minimizing the wickedness, of the Cult, I would not have called it out.

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Trump forced out all of his good advisors after a few years, he couldn’t be talked out of constantly claiming that the election was stolen from him which in turn caused immense damage to him and others. There is also the fact that he doesn’t respect rule of law, limited government or free trade.

His insane policies on tariffs are still causing us massive pain, exasperated by the fact that Trump and the democrats agree on higher tariffs. What part of Trump being a malignant narcissist do you not understand? The GOP has no moral leg to stand on because with a few honorable exceptions they let him run wild. Constitutionalism and respect for rule of law are not just suggestions they are among the cornerstones of conservatism.

As I said before the only good Trump did is by accident or mistake, and is far outweighed by the damage he inflicted. He has said that republicans who oppose him are human scum. Such an approach shows that he doesn’t understand his limitations as a man or as president.

As for minimizing wickedness you have spent a lot of the last two years minimizing Trump’s. As for the Trump cult that doesn’t exist by itself independent of him. He has a responsibility to try and reign them in and to stop encouraging their insanity. He has not done that. You are perilously close to being a double minded man about Trump. Whether it is to try and win back support from Trumpist’s who hate you for not backing him in 2016, or you are just trying to avoid for whatever reason saying Trump cannot be trusted as president is beyond me.

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Recognizing the good and bad of Trump is not being double minded. This isn't black and white.

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If Trump’s evil isn’t black and white than nothing is. Also you totally ignored my points about Trump’s tariffs, his calling anti Trump republicans human scum, and his encouraging the cultists idolatry. Saying this isn’t black and white is nothing more than a cheap dodge, the kind done by Uber liberals adhering to moral relativism. When you say this isn’t black and white, you are implying that Trump isn’t overly good or bad. You have to make a choice, engaging in this evasive dodge by refusing to engage and call out the evil of Trump makes you nothing more than a Brezhnev era apparatchik touting the party line!

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I've already written about Trump raising tariffs. (I prefer the term "import taxes," because raising tariffs is a tax increase.)



I simply don't agree that Trump is pure evil. He's a narcissist, and he is a thin-skinned crybaby who cannot take even the mildest criticism. Far from being an alpha male, Trump is weak and effeminate when it comes to being able to take criticism. This has encouraged the cult mentality by making people afraid to criticize him because he will melt down.

And he also did many good things. Defending due process, defending religious freedom and cutting taxes. Most important of all if the decision actually does come out, finally overturning Roe v. Wade.

Jack, you're no different than the "Always Trump" crowd who cannot handle anything negative said about him.

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I can handle positive things said about Trump. What I am having a problem with is you so casually dismissing his referring to his Republican opponents as being human scum. As president what he said does matter in that it carries an enormous amount of weight. If you think him accidentally doing some good is worth all the bad that he unleashed that’s your business. But to accuse me of being like the “Always Trump” crowd is silly and is beneath you.

As far as people being afraid to criticize him that is pure cowardice and we as the can do people need to push back on his insanity. I never said he was pure evil, just that his negatives far outweigh his positives. As for cutting taxes any tax cuts he made are more than offset by his insane tariffs, and asinine trade policies. As for defending religious freedom and due process he will do that only in cases where it suits him. Or did you forget about his trying to overturn the election results? If Obama had lost in 2008 or 2012 and then acted like Trump did you would have rightly been calling for his impeachment. If something isn’t acceptable coming from Obama or Clinton, Trump doing it doesn’t make it any better.

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But to accuse me of being like the “Always Trump” crowd is silly and is beneath you.



Dude, you have been questioning my character and motives for months. I can't have a different opinion or take on events, I have to be sucking up to Trump or trying to play to the MAGA base or whatever. Now you complain because the is mirror turned on you.

I didn't ignore Trump's reaction to his Republican critics. I explicitly addressed it after the links in my last comment. You're so blinded by hatred of the man that you're accusing me of "casually dismissing" his behavior after I criticized him.

You said "If Trump’s evil isn’t black and white than nothing is." That's a pretty clear statement that he is pure evil.

I've never denied that Trump is very deeply personally flawed. Honestly, I think his total lack of discipline over his mouth is even worse than his past sexual promiscuity, especially as leader of the free world. He just can't get out of his own way. He thinks he is always the smartest person in the room and he can never, ever allow anyone else to get the last word in. All of that is very bad and I don't know how many different ways I can say it.

But he also did implement good policy as President. After decades of interventionism being the status quo of both parties' foreign policy, Trump completely shifted the Overton Window and made non-interventionism acceptable in the GOP. And above all else, he gave us three justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. After over 60 million innocents have been killed, the importance of that cannot be diminished.

You dismiss all of the good policy Trump did put in place, because you believe the bad aspects of Trump far outweigh the good. Fine. That's not an unreasonable position. I don't agree with it, but I respect it.

You don't respect the opposite position. And that's the difference between you and me.

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Trump is not a non interventionist he is an isolationist. He kissed up to Putin, China, and North Korea and denigrated and insulted our allies. He treated Putin and Kim Jong Un with more respect than he did our territory Puerto Rico. I am not saying nothing good happened under him, just that what good did happen was not because of him.

Saying I am blinded by hatred of the man is implying I cannot see. My vision is just fine, what I am having an issue with is that I have been threatened by others over my opposition to Trump, I have had friends, family and long time allies, and professional associations severed simply because I refused to bow down to the man. Whether you choose to believe that or not those things happened.

Now those people made their own choices and that is on them, but people who adopt a cult mentality don’t do so by themselves. Trump’s idolatrous and blasphemous encouragement of cult devotion of himself is also to blame. I get chewed on by Uber liberals to this day because I am a conservative who opposes Trump, and I won’t denounce Reagan. I point out to them Reagan and Trump had very different philosophies and approaches. Reagan had supporters, Trump has followers. Reagan had policy disagreements with people and gave awards to many of his harshest critics, he also supported Republicans who criticized him in elections.

Trump on the other hand has encouraged people to beat up his opponents at rallies, and tap danced all over Congresswoman Mia Love after she lost because she refused to kiss his butt. Reagan handled his critics like a man, Trump demonizes them and puts them in danger.

I also agreed with Trump’s moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and some of his tax cuts. But saying I dismiss all of what good he did, is no different than saying a battered spouse should go back to their abuser because they took them to the hospital after beating them. The man has no compassion, empathy or humanity and to even let him within spitting distance of the Oval Office again would be fool hardy at best.

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