Sitemap - 2018 - ConservaTibbs
Random thoughts from my Twitter
The danger of government-mandated “fairness”
The Outrage Mob and "shame" culture
Debating online vs. debating in person
The problem with Digital Rights Management
The implications of being a "publisher" or a "platform"
Put the bong down: PETA becomes the language police
Christians should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all
Good riddance to porn on Tumblr
Twitter was wrong to ban Laura Loomer
The need for a coherent energy policy
Donald Trump is a hammer. He thinks everything is a nail.
A false equivalence on tear gas
Young earth creationism and courage
Twitter bans truth and mandates superstition
"I hope you do not have daughters"
Christians are not hypocrites for supporting Donald Trump
We should be more invested in local government
President Trump was wrong to force Jeff Sessions to resign
Congressional districts are not gerrymandered
Should Republicans stop running for office in Monroe County?
Taking a short break from blogging
Trump clowns himself on Twitter again
Simple-minded arguments are obnoxious
Vote for accountability and transparency
An utterly ridiculous smear of Trump supporters
We should not silently accept censorship by Big Tech
A ridiculous overreaction to an innocent mistake
No one is being erased. Stop screeching.
Government command and control of the economy
Transgender activism and the end of feminism
My journey from #NeverTrump to #MAGA
Donald Trump needs to grow up.
"Joe Donnelly will say anything to keep his job."
An important lesson from an outrageous case
Overplaying their hand on Kavanaugh
Building straw men does not help victims
This tells me all I need to know
Are you really this stupid, Mrs. Clinton?
Dishonest rhetoric and unhinged rants
This tells you all you need to know
Do we really need to regulate scooters?
School vouchers, revisited: See? I told you so!
The radical Left is reaping the whirlwind with Trump
A petulant attitude combined with technological ignorance
Is outrage culture really as bad as it seems?
Christian libertarians have a flawed view of government
Donnelly is not there for Hoosiers
Do not just vote straight ticket!
Building straw men at the Huffington Post
The time that I committed deicide
Facebook is still censoring the Republican Party
What is wrong with you people?
We should not pit virtues against each other
Exposing a Satanic conspiracy to normalize pedophilia
The Republican Party is the only realistic path to change
Brushing aside Republican accomplishments
Of course Republicans should nominate anti-abortion judges
Not even close to the same thing
Obviously Donald Trump's advisors try to reign him in
Emotions should be subordinate to your will
Jeff Sessions is not an anti-Trump conspirator
Submitting to the proper spheres of authority
Snobbery is the best way to campaign for Trump
Bible verses on Biblical Masculinity
PETA censors blasphemy against Gaia
Take the politicians off welfare
The Supreme Court should never decide policy!
Never apologize to the outrage mob?
Is Facebook a natural monopoly?
Trey Hollingsworth's taxpayer-funded campaign mailings
Should President Trump face a primary challenge?
Your entertainment choices are not that important
Indiana must not pass a law against "hate crimes"
Omarosa and the President's ego
Missing the point on free speech
Our culture needs Biblical Masculinity
Can we all stop panicking over everything?
Denying a platform to despicable liar Alex Jones
AFA is right and Holcomb is wrong on "Hate Crimes"
Voting for local office based on national issues
Facebook should not police "fake news"
Scott Tibbs for Perry Township Board
The mob will never be satisfied
Good, bad and neutral triggering
Missing the forest for the twigs
John Hamilton's lack of sensitivity to the opioid crisis
Trump, Russia, and election hacking
What are the limits of civility?
"Shadow banning" on Facebook is a terrible idea
Democrats do not take full transparency seriously
Of course we should overturn Roe v. Wade
I am a conservative, not an anti-Leftist
Clarifying "bipartisanship is a fraud and a hoax"
My speech to the county council on Tuesday
Transparency is needed in township government
Wikipedia pranksters and Google searches
Civility begins with assuming good motives
No corporate welfare for child abuse enablers
Sexual deviants always demand approval, never "tolerance"
There is only one path to salvation
Do you really care about victims of sexual abuse?
Bloomington's Planned Parenthood enables sexual predators
Self-centered egomaniacs put themselves first
Donald Trump, North Korea, and learning to take a joke
Good riddance to a so-called "judge"
A draconian anti-speech policy challenged
Refuting lies about the "strong families" language
Fighting terrorism is not a violation of "free speech"
"AmyMek" and irresponsible vendettas
Pardon power as a liberty preserving safety valve
A Biblical case against racism
More thoughts on the "strong families" plank
More on social media lynch mobs
A slow motion suicide by bitterness
We need to restore the foundation of Biblical marriage
More idiotic celebrity worship by conservatives
Why is Facebook protecting criminals?
We should strengthen the GOP platform, not weaken it.
Bitter primaries make it difficult to unify
Thoughts on feces-posting and trolling
When washing your hands is a bad thing
The Hamas "protest" is a terrorist attack
Christians should hate the things that God hates
It was a bad idea in 2016. It is still a bad idea.
Professionalism is not oppression
A very silly environmentalist meme
Celebrity worship is anti-conservative
Dear news media: We have never liked you
Reality check on the Iran deal
Donald Trump and the campaign finance witch hunt
Joe Donnelly and the murder of Alfie Evans
The Old Gray Lady becomes a Dirty Old Man
We should expect better from our county commissioners
Reefer Madness with superheroes
A necessary change to Twitter's reply system
When fighting fire with fire burns the village down
A funny meme and a terrible philosophy
The cult of Donald Trump needs to go away forever
The best President we have ever had?
Here's an idea: Be the bigger person!
Jonathan Chait is campaigning hard for Donald Trump
Copying men is not progress for women
A clumsy, irrational approach to "hate groups" on Facebook
Remembering Waco, 25 years later
Headed toward a well-deserved death
Should social media be allowed to censor opinions?
Pictures of naked women are not "journalism"
Is Facebook a platform or a publisher?
The repulsive dishonesty of The Atlantic
Addressing some anti-gun arguments
Video game memories: Final Fantasy VI
Stop complaining about Richard Mourdock
Evangelical Christians do not care about children?
Crooked Hillary needs to look in the mirror
"How could you criticize a child?"
Dennis Prager is wrong, but at least he is consistent
Are you posting on YouTube without a license?
Why does it matter where our rights come from?
There was no “data breach” at Facebook
Hero of the Warsaw ghetto uprising dies
Big Tech, social media and free speech
Defending the Cemetery of the Innocents
Three reasons why accusations of racism are self-defeating
A terrible omnibus spending bill
Children are a blessing from the Lord
Is Conor Lamb a liar or a coward?
Mandatory acceptance of transgenderism
The self-destructive sin of bitterness
Please oppose President Trump's tax increase
Making my website archives mobile-friendly
Thoughts on meme culture and the legacy media
Video Game Memories: Super Mario 64
I never realized slaves had it so good!
Police are not and should not be soldiers
Is it time to raise the age of consent?
Thoughts on Twitter's "bot purge"
Stop lying about pro-lifers: An open letter to Dana Milbank
Do not fund Planned Parenthood!
Gun control and dehumanizing political opponents
More on Indiana's congressional district map
Abolitionism, incrementalism, and saving lives
Painkillers and opioid addiction
Our problem is not masculinity. It is rebellion against God.
Are we living in the Idiocracy?
Police militarization and effective protest tactics
What is going on with Facebook?
Fake "christians" betraying the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Standing against the militarization of police
What does it mean to be pro-life?
Joe Donnelly's repeated pro-abortion votes
Indiana's Congressional districts are not gerrymandered
It accomplishes nothing to knock over a straw man
I am ashamed to be a Christian
A dark and sinister agenda against the First Amendment
We need perspective on government shutdowns
My speech at the 2018 Rally for Life
The principles of civility are not partisan
Federalism, the Tenth Amendment and CHIP
Christian music: Humility honors God
Of course President Trump has the authority to end DACA
On the 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
"Death with dignity" is also known as murder
The "morality" of man vs. the morality of God
Throwing cold water on "Oprah 2020"
No, Trump is not too mentally unstable to be President
As usual, the cover-up is worse than the crime
This is not about what is legal. This is about right and wrong.
Can we be a little more organized?
President Trump needs to stop trolling on Twitter
Principles, ethics and civility in 2018 and beyond
Come to the 2018 Rally for Life
More thoughts on being a former #NeverTrump voter
The problem we have is the overall governing philosophy
We need to scrap this entire conversation about consent